2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Other Services

Alumni Association

The Lamar Institute of Technology Alumni Association, which includes graduates of degree, certificate and non-credit curriculums, and former students and friends of the Institute, is active on a year-round basis. The Alumni Office is located in the Cecil Beeson Building, Room 205, at 855 East Lavaca, Beaumont, Texas (409) 839-2983. The office coordinates all activities and events for alumni ranging from fund-raising to social events. Activities and events are designed to provide a connection between LIT students and alumni.

Membership and activities are coordinated by the Executive Director of the LIT Foundation in cooperation with a volunteer Advisory Board. Officers and new Advisory Board members are nominated and appointed annually. Officers serve for a one-year term beginning on installation.


The Barnes and Noble Bookstore is located in the Setzer Student Center on the Lamar University campus. The Bookstore offers new and used textbooks for the current semester, course materials, school supplies, and officially licensed merchandise. Students also have the opportunity to sell books to the bookstore. Check lamar.bncollege.com for hours and more information.

Campus Ministries

Several campus ministries that provide fellowship, worship, and recreational activities for students have established student centers adjacent to campus. They include the Baptist Student Ministry, Church of Christ Bible Chair, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Episcopal Center, Catholic Student Center, and Wesley Foundation (United Methodist).

Dental Hygiene Clinic

The Dental Hygiene Program manages a clinical facility located in the Multipurpose Building. Dental hygiene students provide dental hygiene services to the public. The services are provided under the supervision of licensed dental and dental hygiene faculty and include patient education, dental x-rays, cleaning, oral and dental examinations, periodontal examinations, polishing, fluoride treatments, pit and fissure sealants, and nutritional counseling.

Individuals interested in scheduling an appointment should call the Dental Hygiene Clinic at (409) 880-8860.

Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities

An extracurricular activity is understood to be an activity representing the student body, any student organization, any department or division organization or any general activity representing LIT.

Any student currently registered, not on disciplinary or scholastic probation, and who has a GPA of at least 2.0 for both the college work completed at LIT and that of the preceding semester is eligible to participate in extracurricular activities. Individual organizations may establish higher requirements for GPA and enrollment status.

For the purpose of establishing eligibility, two six-week summer terms may count as one semester. Transfer students have the same eligibility as freshmen students until completion of one semester.

Food Service

Megabytes, a snack bar, is located in the Beeson Building for the convenience of LIT students, faculty, and staff. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served Monday through Thursday, and breakfast and lunch are served on Fridays. Grill and "grab and go" items are available. Megabytes also offers catering services for special events. Please contact the director at (409) 880-2105 for catering details.

Health Center

The Student Health Center on the Lamar University campus offers various medical services to currently enrolled students. A physician and/or nurse practitioner is available to treat students for minor illnesses or injuries not requiring constant supervision. Students with chronic and/or serious conditions will require treatment off campus by their personal physician. Most health center services are available in the health center on a walk-in basis, and most of the medications prescribed are available in the health center pharmacy at a reduced cost. Students are charged only for medications, lab tests, and supplies, not for the office visit. All charges incurred are entered on the student account, thus no payment is required at the time of service.

Gynecological services and family planning are provided by female nurse practitioners at a reduced charge. There is a lab charge for most gynecological services. Licensed staff, in collaboration with student peer educators, offer health education to organizations, residence halls, classes, or individuals on a variety of health-related issues pertinent to the university population. The Health Center is also staffed with licensed counselors offering short-term psychological counseling, individual and group therapy, and mental health workshops at no charge. After hours, on weekends and when the university is not in session, healthcare becomes the individual student's responsibility. Any expenses incurred for ambulance service or off-campus medical needs are also the responsibility of the student. Students are encouraged to maintain some form of health insurance to cover these expenses, as they can be quite costly.


The Lamar Institute of Technology Foundation is a private nonprofit corporation established under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the State of Texas. The Foundation exists solely for the benefit of Lamar Institute of Technology and serves as the preferred channel for private gifts to all areas of the Institute. It supports and enhances the educational mission of the Institute. Located in the Cecil Beeson Building, 855 East Lavaca, Room 205, the Foundation is governed by an all-volunteer board of directors whose names and business affiliations may be found at http://www.lit.edu/foundation/FoundationBOD.aspx. The College President has oversight responsibility for the Foundation and serves on the Board of Directors as an ex-officio member.

Operating Hours

The official operating hours of the Institute are from 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Select areas of the campus are open on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. until 3 p.m. The college is officially closed from 11:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. Any person not duly authorized, licensed, or invited by an official of the Institute to be on the premises or within any structure between 11:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. will be committing the offense of trespass, and local law enforcement officials will be notified.

The Student Services Division is open year-round on weekdays, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


All faculty, staff and students are required to purchase a current parking permit and display it in their vehicle if they park a vehicle on campus. A copy of the parking and traffic regulations is issued at the time of permit purchase. Strict observance of traffic and parking regulations is necessary for the safe, orderly flow of vehicles in the campus area. Parking and traffic regulations are in effect 24 hours a day.

Students may park in handicap accessible parking spaces with the appropriate permit. Appropriate permits include a handicapped parking permit issued by the State or a parking permit issued by Lamar Institute of Technology. Students that park in a handicap accessible parking space must display a State issued handicap accessible parking permit and/or a LIT Parking Permit.

Students that require a permit that allows them to park in handicapped parking spaces must see the Special Populations Coordinator.


The Police Department is on campus to serve students in the protection of their person, their property, and the Institute's property. The police department is also charged with the enforcement of campus regulations and all state, local and federal laws. Officers are licensed peace officers for the State of Texas.

Engravers are available at the police department should students wish to engrave their valuables to aid in recovery in the case of theft or loss. Emergency phones are located at LIT and Lamar for your safety.

The police department is located at 211 Redbird Lane and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Emergency police response: (409) 880-7777.

Post Office

The campus Post Office, a contract facility, is officially designated as Lamar University 77710. The Post Office is located at 211 Redbird Lane in the Carl Parker Building, Room 109B. Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday for all window services.

Postal boxes are rented to students, staff and faculty by semester and/or year. The cost is $5 a semester, with Summer I/II considered as one full term, or $15 yearly, which includes spring, fall and summer. Box sharing is prohibited.

Mail is received by United States Postal Services at 6:45 a.m. daily Monday through Friday. Outbound stamped and metered mail is dispatched daily at 5:00 p.m. Express deliveries are accepted from Airborne, DHL, Federal Express, Federal USPS, Mail Express, Pony Express, RPS, and United Parcel Service. It is the student's responsibility to notify the post office of any change of address.


The Lamar University Office of Student Engagement in conjunction with Lamar University police offers a free shuttle service daily. Students utilizing this service must have a valid ID. The shuttle service provides transportation for students on campus and within the immediate vicinity of the campus. Students should call 880-8307 for this service and for more information about routes and pickup locations. 

Career Services

Each semester, LIT Student Services will sponsor events geared toward career development and networking for the student body. Project Interview pairs students with a professional from their area of study. They participate in a variety of mock interview scenarios. Job Fairs and a variety of Employer events are held on campus each year. This extensive networking experience allows students to shake hands with area professionals that often hire LIT graduates. An electronic career website is also available for students seeking employment. Students are encouraged to check and upload resumes to CareerLink, Career Services' virtual home, by logging into their My.LIT portal.

Career Service can provide students with the tools necessary to realize success, both personally and professionally.  Whether trying to decide a major, seeking employment after graduation, or interested in finding an internship, Career Services are here to assist students. For more information, email us at careers@lit.edu.