2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition & Fees

Lamar Institute of Technology reserves the right to change fees in keeping with acts of the Texas Legislature and The Texas State University System Board of Regents.


Tuition is based upon the number of semester credit hours for which students register and is determined by the student's classification as a Texas resident or a Non-Texas resident.

Determination of legal residence for tuition purposes is determined by the statutes of the State of Texas by the Office of Admissions. The current rate is $80.00 per semester credit hour for Texas residents and $488.00 per semester credit hour for Non-Texas residents.

Residency Status

A student's state of residency is determined prior to his or her first enrollment in accordance with rules and regulations established by the Texas State Legislature and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Texas law specifies that if there is any question as to the student's right to classification as a resident of Texas, it is the student's responsibility to 1) have his or her classification officially determined, and 2) to register under the proper classification. It is also the student's responsibility to notify the institution if his or her residency classification changes. Classification will follow the guidelines in the Texas Education Code, Title 3. Detailed information on residency is available in the Admissions Office and the Office of Student Services.

Tuition for Students with Excessive Credit Hours

In accordance with Senate Bill 345, any student who has attempted forty five (45) or more non-remedial, academic semester credit hours beyond the minimum number of semester credit hours required for completion of a baccalaureate degree program may be subject to non-resident tuition rates at a public four-year or health-related institution in Texas. These provisions affect students who initially enrolled as undergraduate students in any public institution of higher education after the Fall 1999 semester. Additional information may be found on the LIT website at www.lit.edu, under Tuition and Fees.

Louisiana Resident Exemptions

Residents of Louisiana who enroll at Lamar Institute of Technology are eligible to pay in-state tuition.

Payment of Fees

A student is not registered until all fees are paid in full or the student has paid the equivalent of a down payment on the installment plan (if available). Payment may be made in person at the LIT Cashier's Office or online. Students may log on to BANNER Self Service to make electronic payments through the TouchNet system. Payment may be made by check, Master Card/Visa/Discover/AMEX, money order or currency. Checks and money orders should be made payable to Lamar Institute of Technology and will be accepted subject to final payment. The Institute will not accept counter checks, post-dated checks, credit card checks or altered checks. Excess payments will be refunded via direct deposit. Students on a cash-only basis will be restricted to paying by Master Card/Visa/Discover/AMEX, money order, cashier's checks, traveler's checks or currency.

Payment Amounts

Payment in Full. Students who have paid all their tuition and fees for the semester will be registered for classes.

More than 25% of tuition and fees paid. Students who pay more than 25% but less than 100% of their tuition and fees for the semester will be placed on the Installment Payment Plan and will incur a $20 installment fee. 

Less than 25% of tuition and fees paid. Students who pay less than 25% of their tuition and fees for a semester may be dropped from all classes.

Tuition and Fee Refunds

Refunds are calculated as a percentage of total fees assessed, not as a percentage of partial payments on installments. Refunds are generally processed at the end of the second week past the 12th class day for fall and spring semesters, and two weeks after the 4th class day for summer sessions.

Refund for Dropped Courses

Students who drop courses during the drop period will receive a refund on tuition and fees, based on the following schedule:

Sixteen Week Semester (Fall and Spring Semesters)
During class days:
During class days: One through twelve 100% of total fees
After the twelfth class day 0% of total fees
Twelve Week Semester (Fall Late Start & Spring Late Start)
During class days:
One through twelve 100% of total fees
After the twelfth class day 0% of total fees
Eight Week Semester (Fall 1 and 2, Spring 1 and 2)
During class days:
One through twelve 100% of total fees
After the twelfth class day 0% of total fees
Six Week Semester (Summer I, II, and III)
During class days:
One through four 100% of total fees
After the fourth class day 0% of total fees
Four Week Semester (JumpStart Semester)
During class days:
One through three 100% of total fees
After the third class day 0% of total fees
Mini Semester
During class days:
One through three 100% of total fees
After the third class day 0% of total fees

In order to receive a refund for dropped courses, a student must remain enrolled in the Institute. If a student withdraws, after having previously dropped one or more courses, no refunds will be given for the dropped course(s). Students should review Six Drop Rule to understand the limits regarding dropped courses.

Refund for Withdrawal

Students officially withdrawing during the refund period will receive a refund for tuition, Student Center Fee, Student Services Fee, course fee, Library Use Fee, and Technology Service Fee according to the refund schedule below.

Sixteen Week Semester (Fall and Spring Semesters)

Prior to the:
First day of class 100% of total fees (less $15 matriculation fee).
During class days:
One through five 80% of total fees
Six through ten 70% of total fees
Eleven through fifteen 50% of total fees
Sixteen through twenty 25% of total fees
After the twentieth class day 0% of total fees

Twelve Week Semester (Fall and Spring Late Start)

Prior to the:
First day of class 100% of total fees (less $15 matriculation fee).
During class days:
One through five 80% of total fees
Six through ten 70% of total fees
Eleven through fifteen 50% of total fees
Sixteen through twenty 25% of total fees
After the twentieth class day 0% of total fees

Eight Week Semester (Fall 2 and 3, Spring 2 and 3)

Prior to the:
First day of class 100% of total fees (less $15 matriculation fee).
During class days:
One through three 80% of total fees
Four through six 50% of total fees
After the sixth class day 0% of total fees

Six Week Semester (Summer I, II, & III Semesters)

Prior to the:
First day of class 100% of total fees (less $15 matriculation fee).
During class days:
One through three 80% of total fees
Four through six 50% of total fees
After the sixth class day 0% of total fees

JumpStart Semesters (Four week semester, NCBO)

Prior to the:
First day of class 100% of total fees (less $15 matriculation fee).
During class days:
One 80% of total fees
Two 50% of total fees
After the second class day 0% of total fees

Mini Semesters

Prior to the:
First day of class 100% of total fees (less $15 matriculation fee).
During class days:
One 80% of total fees
Two 50% of total fees
After the second class day 0% of total fees

The $10 property deposit is refundable upon written request by the student to the Cashier's Office.

Withdrawing from the Institute does not relieve the student of any financial obligations under the Installment Payment Program or for any student loans as these are the student's legal financial commitments.

NOTE: Students withdrawing from the Institute are required to surrender their student identification card and their parking permit. Also, withdrawal from the Institute precludes the student from receiving a refund for dropped courses.

Summary of Registration Expenses

Each student must plan a budget carefully. It is possible to attend the Institute on a modest sum and yet participate in most of the Institute's programs. To assist in planning registration expenses, the following estimates are furnished as a guide:

Texas resident enrolled in fifteen (15) Semester Credit Hours (Fall and Spring Semesters)*

Tuition $1200
Student Services Fee $75
Student Center Fee $30
Property Deposit $10
Institutional Service Fee $465
Parking Fee (if parking) $60
Books (estimated) $400

Texas resident enrolled in six (6) Semester Credit Hours (Fall and Spring Semesters)*

Tuition $480
Student Services Fee $30
Student Center Fee $30
Property Deposit $10
Institutional Service Fee $186
Parking Fee (if desired) $60
Books (estimated) $200

Tuition and fees vary with the semester credit hours taken, so the total may differ from the estimate.

*Tuition rate per semester credit hour is $80.00 for Texas residents and $500.00 per semester credit hour for Non-Texas residents.

Tuition, Fall 2023/Spring 2024

SCH Texas Resident Tuition Non-Texas Resident Tuition Institutional Service Fee Student Services Fee Student Center Fee Total Texas Resident Total Non-Texas Resident
1 $80.00 $500.00 $31.00 $5.00 $30.00 $146.00 $566.00
2 $160.00 $1000.00 $62.00 $10.00 $30.00 $262.00 $1102.00
3 $240.00 $1500.00 $93.00 $15.00 $30.00 $378.00 $1638.00
4 $320.00 $2000.00 $124.00 $20.00 $30.00 $494.00 $2174.00
5 $400.00 $2500.00 $155.00 $25.00 $30.00 $610.00 $2710.00
6 $480.00 $3000.00 $186.00 $30.00 $30.00 $726.00 $3246.00
7 $560.00 $3500.00 $217.00 $35.00 $30.00 $842.00 $3782.00
8 $640.00 $4000.00 $248.00 $40.00 $30.00 $958.00 $4318.00
9 $720.00 $4500.00 $279.00 $45.00 $30.00 $1074.00 $4854.00
10 $800.00 $5000.00 $310.00 $50.00 $30.00 $1190.00 $5390.00
11 $880.00 $5500.00 $341.00 $55.00 $30.00 $1306.00 $5926.00
12 $960.00 $6000.00 $372.00 $60.00 $30.00 $1422.00 $6462.00
13 $1040.00 $6500.00 $403.00 $65.00 $30.00 $1538.00 $6998.00
14 $1120.00 $7000.00 $434.00 $70.00 $30.00 $1654.00 $7534.00
15 $1200.00 $7500.00 $465.00 $75.00 $30.00 $1770.00 $8070.00
16 $1280.00 $8000.00 $496.00 $80.00 $30.00 $1886.00 $8606.00
17 $1360.00 $8500.00 $527.00 $85.00 $30.00 $2002.00 $9142.00
18 $1440.00 $9000.00 $558.00 $90.00 $30.00 $2118.00 $9678.00
19 $1520.00 $9500.00 $589.00 $95.00 $30.00 $2234.00 $10214.00
20 $1600.00 $10000.00 $620.00 $100.00 $30.00 $2350.00 $10750.00

Parking: $60/Fall, $40/Spring. Property Deposit is a one-time fee of $10; other lab and materials fees may apply. Note: Fees are subject to change by action of the Board of Regents or the Texas State Legislature.

Tuition, Summer I, II, and III Semesters, 2024

SCH Texas Resident Tuition Non-Texas Resident Tuition Institutional Service Fee Student Services Fee Student Center Fee Total Texas Resident Total Non-Texas Resident
1 $80.00 $500.00 $31.00 $5.00 $15.00 $131.00 $551.00
2 $160.00 $1000.00 $62.00 $10.00 $15.00 $247.00 $1087.00
3 $240.00 $1500.00 $93.00 $15.00 $15.00 $363.00 $1623.00
4 $320.00 $2000.00 $124.00 $20.00 $15.00 $479.00 $2159.00
5 $400.00 $2500.00 $155.00 $25.00 $15.00 $595.00 $2695.00
6 $480.00 $3000.00 $186.00 $30.00 $15.00 $711.00 $3231.00
7 $560.00 $3500.00 $217.00 $35.00 $15.00 $827.00 $3767.00
8 $640.00 $4000.00 $248.00 $40.00 $15.00 $943.00 $4303.00
9 $720.00 $4500.00 $279.00 $45.00 $15.00 $1059.00 $4839.00

Parking: $20. Property Deposit is a one-time fee of $10; other lab and materials fees may apply. Note: Fees are subject to change by action of the Board of Regents or the Texas State Legislature.

Tuition, Winter Mini-Session 2023 and May Mini-Session 2024

SCH Texas Resident Tuition Non-Texas Resident Tuition Institutional Services Fee Student Services Fee Student Center Fee Total Texas Resident Total Non-Texas Resident
1 $80.00 $500.00 $31.00 $5.00 $15.00 $131.00 $551.00
2 $160.00 $1000.00 $62.00 $10.00 $15.00 $247.00 $1087.00
3 $240.00 $1500.00 $93.00 $15.00 $15.00 $363.00 $1623.00
4 $320.00 $2000.00 $124.00 $20.00 $15.00 $479.00 $2159.00
5 $400.00 $2500.00 $155.00 $25.00 $15.00 $595.00 $2695.00
6 $480.00 $3000.00 $186.00 $30.00 $15.00 $711.00 $3231.00

Course Repeat

The Texas Administrative Code, Rule 13.105 allows institutions to charge a higher tuition rate to a student who 1) repeats a course more than twice or 2) enrolls for a second time in a completed course. Effective January 1, 2011, Lamar Institute of Technology will charge students a higher tuition for repeated courses that may not be submitted for formula funding. The tuition rate will be equal to three times the resident undergraduate rate.

A student is exempted from payment of higher tuition for any course repeated in the final semester or term before graduation, if the course(s) is taken for the purpose of receiving a grade that will satisfy a degree requirement. This exemption applies for only one semester.

A student is exempted from the payment of the higher tuition rate if the payment of the higher tuition rate will result in an economic hardship for the student. An economic hardship may be demonstrated if the student has been approved to receive financial aid.

The following types of hours are exempt and not subject to a higher tuition rate under the Repeated Course Policy:

  1. Hours for remedial and developmental courses;
  2. Hours for special topics courses;
  3. Hours from remedial and developmental courses, workforce education courses, or other courses that would not generate academic credit that could be applied to a degree at the institution if the course work is within the 27 hour limit at two-year colleges;
  4. Hours for courses that involve different or more advanced content each time they are taken, including but not limited to, workforce education courses and manual special topics courses; and
  5. Hours for continuing education courses that must be repeated to retain professional certification.

The following schedule of fees is applicable to all students, including those in an audit status:

  Residency Cost of Instruction per Semester Credit Hour
  Texas Resident $80.00
  Non-Texas Resident $488.00


The following fees are in effect at press time and are used to determine the total amount of tuition and fees. The total amount of the fees assessed is typical of other state institutions in Texas though specific fees will vary from institution to institution. Note that the estimated total tuition and fees assumes that the student is enrolled only on the Institute campus.

Distance Education Fee: A Distance Education Fee of $20 per semester credit hour is assessed for online courses. Students registered for online courses only are not required to pay the Student Center Fee, Health Center Fee, and the Recreational Sports Center Fee if a waiver has been requested at the LIT Cashier's Office. Other fees are required by the Board of Regents or state statute and cannot be waived.

Laboratory Fee: A Laboratory Fee of $3 is charged each semester for courses with a combined lecture and laboratory instruction.

Late Registration Fee: A charge of $10 is made for late registration or for payment after the start of the semester (not including the second or third payments under the installment plan).

Matriculation Fee: A Matriculation Fee of $15 will be incurred by students who withdraw prior to the first day of class. This $15 fee will be deducted from refunds.

Parking Fee: Each student who pays the Parking Fee is issued a parking permit allowing the student to park a vehicle on campus. Parking Permits must be displayed as instructed in the official parking and traffic regulations, which are issued when the permit is purchased. Regulations are in effect 24 hours a day.

The Parking Fee is assessed when tuition and fees are paid at the Cashier's Office. Parking Fees are as follows:

Fall Semester $60
Spring Semester $40
Summer Semester $20

Only one registration is required during an academic year, and a student's parking fee is honored until the end of Summer Session II.

Property Deposit: Each student is required to pay a $10 Property Deposit. Any unused portion of the $10 will be refunded upon written request after the students graduates or withdraws from LIT.

Records Fee: The Records Fee provides the student with eight transcripts each year and covers those administrative costs. This is included in the Institutional Services Fee.

Student Center Fee: The Student Center Fee supports the Setzer Student Center and its programs. The current rate is $30 per Fall and Spring Semester and $15 per summer session. (For information about the Setzer Center, see Setzer Student Center.) Students that register for off-campus courses only are exempt from the Student Center Fee. Additional exemptions include students registered for cooperative education courses only.

Student Service Fee: The Student Service Fee supports student activities such as LIT's student government, recreational sports, the University Press, and other student services. The current rate is $5 per semester credit hour.

Technology Service Fee: The Technology Service Fee supports the administrative mainframe computer and the academic mainframe computer. This is included in the Institutional Services Fee.

Institutional Services Fee: The Institutional Services Fee includes incidental fees combined to support the operations of the College. This combined fee includes what was once the Technology Service Fee, Identification Card Fee, and Records Fee. The current rate is $31 per semester credit hour.

Dental Hygiene Fees

The following fees are charged for services provided by the Dental Hygiene Clinic:

General Public $25
LIT/Lamar Students $15
Senior Citizens (65+) $15
X-Rays only $10
Patients on Public Assistance $10

Fine and Breakage Fee

A Fine and Breakage Fee may be assessed to a student. Fine and Breakage Fee may be assessed by the library, police department, academic programs, and other units of Lamar Institute of Technology. Fees may be assessed to a student for breakage of equipment, damage of equipment, missing equipment, and facilities or property. A Fine and Breakage Fee must be paid before a transcript may be issued and/or before a student may re-enter the Institute.

The Institute reserves the right to make a special assessment against any student guilty of inexcusable breakage or loss of instructional equipment or other Institute property.

Insufficient Funds Checks

Checks written in payment of registration fees and returned to the Institute due to insufficient funds will result in a $25 check charge plus a late $10 late registration fee or a $15 installment penalty. Obligations paid by an insufficient funds check are considered delinquent. Students who write insufficient funds checks will be placed on a "cash only" basis.

Miscellaneous Fees

Advanced Standing Examination (per SCH) $50

Verification of Student Identity Fees

Students who register / enroll for a distance education course may be required to pay additional charges associated with verification of student identity.

Tuition and Fee Exemptions and Waivers

Students who feel they may be exempted from some fees should contact the Cashiers Office in the Beeson Building. Some examples of exemptions are:

Dual Campus Students

Students taking classes on both the Lamar Institute of Technology and Lamar University campuses will be entitled to a refund of one Student Center Fee, one Health Center Fee, and one Recreation Center Fee. The Cashier's Office should be contacted for information regarding dual campus adjustment refunds.

Municipal Firefighters

Individuals employed as a paid fire fighter by a political subdivision of the State of Texas or active members of volunteer fire departments who hold an accredited advanced certification may be exempted from tuition for courses taken as part of a Fire Science curriculum. Contact the Public Service and Safety department for additional information.

Online Courses

An additional fee of $20 per semester credit hour will be assessed for online courses. Students enrolled exclusively in online classes are not required to pay the Student Center Fee, Health Center Fee, and the Recreational Center Fee.

Peace Officer

Peace Officers enrolled in a criminal justice or law enforcement-related degree are exempted from tuition and laboratory fees for a criminal justice or law enforcement course. To receive this exemption, peace officers must meet all requirements and apply for the exemption at least one week prior to the last day of registration. Contact the Public Service and Safety department for additional information.

Senior Citizen Exemption

Students older than 65 years of age are exempted from the payment of TUITION and DESIGNATED TUITION ONLY on a space-available basis for a maximum of six (6) semester credit hours per term. Seniors may also audit classes on a space-available basis. Contact Student Services for additional information.



Valedictorians from accredited high schools in Texas are entitled to an exemption from payment of tuition and laboratory fees for two regular semesters following graduation. Other fees are not exempt. Valedictorians should notify the Admissions Office before registering for courses. The names of valedictorians of all Texas high schools are certified by principals to the Texas Education Agency, and the list is supplied to the Institute for reference.

Veterans (Hazlewood)

Veterans, who at the time of entry into the Armed Forces designated Texas as a Home of Record or entered the service in Texas, served at least 181 days of Active Duty outside of training, and who are no longer eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill, known as Chapter 33 (only applicable to Veterans that served after 9/11/01),  are eligible for the Hazlewood Act Exemption. This exemption waives all tuition and most student fees. This applies to those who were received an "Honorable" or "General Under Honorable Conditions" discharge. To obtain this exemption, after being accepted LIT, the required documentation must be presented to the Veteran Affairs Liaison in the Special Populations Office to verify the student Veteran is eligible. Students must provide a copy of their separation papers (DD 214) and a letter from the Veterans Administration, often referred to as a Certificate of Eligibility, stating that they have no remaining federal education entitlements (G.I. Bill). 

Books, supplies, living expenses, property deposits, and student services fees are NOT covered via the Hazlewood Exemption.

Students who expect to attend under some Veterans' benefit plan should contact the Veteran Affairs Liaison 60 to 90 days before registration. Veterans interested in information on various LIT Programs and offerings as well as Veteran Benefits should visit the Special Populations Office in the Eagles Nest Building Rm 129 on the LIT campus, by calling 409-951-5708 or emailing va@lit.edu.


The Institute is not responsible for debts contracted by individual students or student organizations and will not act as a collection agency for organizations, firms or individuals to whom students may owe bills. Students and student organizations are expected to honor contractual obligations promptly, but in case of flagrant disregard of such obligations, the Business Office or the designated representative will take appropriate action. Failure to pay all Institute fees by the specified date will result in suspension through the 12th week in the long semester and the fourth week in the summer term. After the 12th week in the long semester and the fourth week in the summer term, failure to pay all fees by the specified date will result in suspension at the end of the current semester and may include (a) denial of readmission, (b) withholding of grades and transcripts, and (c) withholding of degree. Delinquent obligations to the Institute will be sent to a collection agency and reported to credit bureaus. All costs of collections are paid by the student which is generally an additional 33.333% of the student's obligations to the Institute. Delinquent accounts must be paid at the collection agency. Payment cannot be accepted by Lamar Institute of Technology if the account has been forwarded to a collection agency.