2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admission Information

Lamar Institute of Technology (LIT) is an open admission college who welcomes any student interested in education and personal improvement. The Office of Student Services provides complete admissions assistance for entering students. Professionally trained personnel assist prospective students in assembling all admission credentials so that a transition into the college environment can be as smooth and problem free as possible. Correspondence pertaining to admissions should be addressed to the Office of Student Services, Lamar Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 10043, Beaumont, TX 77710.

Lamar Institute of Technology, a two-year college in The Texas State University System, offers educational opportunities through an open admissions policy which admits students who can benefit from post-secondary education.LIT admits students without regard to race, color, creed, gender, age, national origin or disabilities. LIT does reserve the right to verify the citizenship and residency of any prospective student.

A student may be admitted to Lamar Institute of Technology based on one of the following criteria:

  • High School Graduate
  • High School Completer
  • GED Certificate Holder
  • Dual Enrollment Student
  • Readmission Student
  • Transfer Student
  • International Student

All methods of admission listed above require completion of an Application for Admission. Students should apply online at www.ApplyTexas.org.

Admission to LIT does not guarantee admission to specific courses or programs of study. Prerequisites and co-requisites are required for some courses. LIT reserves the right to refuse admission or readmission to any applicant who does not satisfy the admission criteria.

Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine

Students applying to Lamar Institute of Technology must meet bacterial meningitis vaccine requirements.

An entering student who has been admitted to an institution of higher education or private or independent institution of higher education, must show evidence of receipt of an initial bacterial meningitis vaccination dose or booster during the five-year period preceding and at least ten (10) days prior to the first day of the first semester in which the student initially enrolls at an institution, or following a break in enrollment of at least one fall or spring semester at the same or another institution.

A student is not required to submit evidence of receiving the vaccination against bacterial meningitis if the student meets any of the following criteria: 1) the student is 22 years of age or older by the first day of the start of the semester or 2) the student is enrolled only in online or other distance education courses; or 3) the student is enrolled in a continuing education course or program that is less than 360 contact hours, or continuing education corporate training; or 4) the student is enrolled in a dual credit course which is taught at a public or private K-12 facility not located on a higher education institution campus; or 5) the student is incarcerated in a Texas prison.

A student is not required to submit evidence of receiving the vaccination against bacterial meningitis if the student submits to the institution: 1) an affidavit or certificate signed by a physician who is duly registered and licensed to practice medicine in the United States, stating that in the physician's opinion, the vaccination would be injurious to the health and well-being of the student; or 2) an affidavit signed by the student stating that the student declines the vaccination for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief. A conscientious exemption form from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) must be used; or 3) confirmation that the student has completed the Internet-based Department of State Health Services form to claim an exemption for reasons of conscience (for entering students at public junior colleges only).

Bacterial Meningitis Information

Information about bacterial meningitis is being provided to new college students in the State of Texas. Bacterial Meningitis is a serious, potentially deadly disease that can progress extremely fast, so take utmost caution. It is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. The bacteria that causes meningitis can also infect the blood. This disease strikes about 3,000 Americans each year, including 100-125 on college campuses, leading to 5-15 deaths among college students every year. There is a treatment, but those who survive may develop severe health problems or disabilities.

What are the symptoms?

  • High fever.
  • Severe headache.
  • Rash.
  • Vomiting.
  • Rashes on skin.
  • Stiff neck.
  • Light sensitivity.
  • Nausea.
  • Confusion.
  • Seizures.
  • Lethargy.

There may be a rash of tiny, red-purple spots caused by bleeding under the skin. These can occur anywhere on the body. The more symptoms, the higher the risk, so when these symptoms appear seek immediate medical attention.

How is bacterial meningitis diagnosed?

  • Diagnosis is made by a medical provider and is usually based on a combination of clinical symptoms and laboratory results from spinal fluid and blood tests.
  • Early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve the likelihood of recovery.

How is the disease transmitted?

The disease is transmitted when people exchange saliva (such as by kissing, or by sharing drinking containers, utensils, cigarettes, toothbrushes, etc.) or come in contact with respiratory or throat secretions.

How do you increase your risk of getting bacterial meningitis?

  • Exposure to saliva by sharing cigarettes, water bottles, eating utensils, food, kissing, etc.
  • Living in close conditions (such as sharing a room/suite in a dorm or group home).

What are the possible consequences of the disease?

  • Death (in 8 to 24 hours from perfectly well to dead).
  • Permanent brain damage.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Learning disability.
  • Hearing loss, blindness.
  • Limb damage (fingers, toes, arms, legs) that require amputation.
  • Gangrene.
  • Coma.
  • Convulsions.

Can the disease be treated?

  • Antibiotic treatment, if received early, can save lives and chances of recovery are increased. However, permanent disability or death can still occur.
  • Vaccinations are available and should be considered for:
    • Those living in close quarters.
    • College students 25 years old or younger.
  • Vaccinations are effective against four of the five most common bacterial types that cause 70 percent of the disease in the U.S. (but do not protect against all types of meningitis).
  • Vaccinations take 7-10 days to become effective, with protection lasting 3 to 5 years.
  • The cost of vaccine varies, so check with your health care provider.
  • Vaccination is very safe. Most common side effects are redness and minor pain at injection site for up to two days.
  • Vaccination is available at the Student Health Center.

How can I find out more information?

  • Contact your own health care provider.
  • Contact your Student Health Center at (409) 880-8466.
  • Contact your local or regional Texas Department of Health office at (409) 832-4000.
  • Contact Web sites: www.cdc.gov; www.acha.org

Communicating with Students

Lamar Institute of Technology communicates with students via e-mail, telephone, and text messaging. Examples of information communicated to students include registration information, payment deadlines, emergency notices, financial aid information, and correspondence between faculty and students. Such correspondence is e-mailed to the student's official LIT e-mail address.

In order for students to receive e-mails, telephone and text communications, students must maintain an LIT e-mail account. Students must update any changes in telephone numbers and their mailing address on Self-Service Banner.

Dual Enrollment

Lamar Institute of Technology (LIT) has established processes for admitting public school, charter school, private school, and homeschooled students to Dual Credit programs.  LIT has agreements with several school districts to offer dual enrollment or co-enrollment opportunities for high school students.

High school students attending LIT are subject to all requirements regarding assessment, admissions, academic standards, and conduct. Students are eligible to enroll in dual credit courses if they demonstrate college readiness by achieving the minimum passing standards under the provisions of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) or if they are exempt under the provisions of the TSI. Dual enrollment students may enroll in a dual credit course with the following EOC scores:

  • English II EOC (4000)
  • Algebra I EOC (4000)+Algebra II course (grade of A, B, or C)

PSAT, SAT and ACT scores may also be used to meet TSI Requirements.

To enroll in dual enrollment courses, students must apply using www.ApplyTexas.org and select certificate programs as your first choice school and high school co-enrollment as your first choice major. Students also must submit an official high school transcript, and a copy of their TAKS, STAAR, TSI, and/or PSAT scores.

For more information on dual enrollment, please contact LIT's Dual Credit Department (409) 951-5711. You may also refer to Policy 8.32   "Student Admissions Process" and Policy 8.33  "Admission to Dual Credit Programs".

General Equivalency Diploma (GED) Holders

A holder of a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) certificate must submit GED scores with an Application for Admission.

Applications should be completed at www.ApplyTexas.org. If applicants do not have a certificate or copy of their GED scores, they should contact their local school districts to request a transcript. Texas students can print a GED transcript from tea.texas.gov

For more information on admission procedures for college degree and certificate programs please refer to Policy 8.32   "Student Admissions Process".

High School Graduates (First Time in College)

High school graduates must submit an official high school transcript and an Application for Admission. Applications should be submitted on www.ApplyTexas.org. Students who plan to complete an Associate of Applied Science or Academic Associate of Arts/Science degree must submit the results of the TSI Assessment Test.

For more information on admission procedures for college degree and certificate programs please refer to Policy 8.32   "Student Admissions Process".

High School Completers

Students who do not have a high school diploma, have not passed the STAAR test nor received a GED may apply for admission to LIT through individual approval.

Individual Approval

A person who is 18 or over may be exempt from the admission requirements and admitted on "individual approval," provided the admitting officer is convinced that the applicant's record indicates ability to carry the college work assigned. Students admitted on this condition shall be subject to the same policies and regulations as all other students. Students admitted under "Individual Approval" may not be eligible for federal student aid.

For more information on admission procedures for college degree and certificate programs please refer to Policy 8.32   "Student Admissions Process".

Home School Graduates

The State of Texas considers successful completion of nontraditional secondary education to be equivalent to graduation from a public high school. Therefore, home school graduates that have completed a 'nontraditional secondary education' may register for classes at Lamar Institute of Technology. Home School graduates must complete an Application for Admissions at www.ApplyTexas.org and submit an official transcript. Applicants must meet college readiness standards with appropriate scores on the SAT, ACT or TSI assessment test.

For more information on admission procedures for college degree and certificate programs please refer to Policy 8.32   "Student Admissions Process".

International Student Services and Recruitment

Students from other countries holding a visa other than a permanent resident visa are considered international students. Applicants to Lamar Institute of Technology may be accepted for admission and have a SEVIS I-20 (F-1 visa) or Form DS-2019 (J-1 visa) issued when all requirements have been met. These requirements include:

  • LIT Application for Admission at www.ApplyTexas.org
  • International Student Application for Admission http://international.lamar.edu/
  • Official secondary school, college, or university records (if applicable) translated in English and evaluated for authentication from a recognized United States evaluation company. Documents that have not been evaluated properly or are photocopies are not acceptable. Both of these documents, foreign documents and translation, must be submitted with the application to the International Admissions Office. The transfer evaluation and document authentication must be completed for all documents before the student will be reviewed for admission and/or accepted by LIT. Records must show all subjects taken and grades or marks earned in each, both from the school and on tests given by the Ministry of Education. To evaluate documents, students may select from the following website: http://www.wes.org/
  • Evidence of sufficient financial support for the current academic year by submitting the International Student Financial Statement or an I-134 (Affidavit of Support; United States Citizenship & Immigration Services document).This financial statement must be an original, currently dated, and show funds in United States dollars.
  • Adequate proof of competency in English or a score of 500 or better on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) paper based test, 61 or better on the TOEFL (Internet Based Test) or 173 or better on the TOEFL (Computer Based Test), administered by the College Entrance Examination Board, Box 595, Princeton, NJ 08540. Scores must be received directly from the testing service. Photocopies or student copies of test scores will not be accepted.

All international application forms, test scores, financial statements, and complete educational records must be on file in the International Admissions Office (http://international.lamar.edu/) by the dates indicated:

  Fall Semester July 1
  Spring Semester December 1
  Summer Semester April 15

International students who plan to transfer to Lamar Institute of Technology from another college in the United States must be in compliance with the United States Citizenship & Immigration Service federal regulations. Should you have any questions concerning this issue, please contact the International Admissions Office at (409) 880-8356 or by email: international@lamar.edu.

Applicants accepted by Lamar Institute of Technology are required to attend a special orientation program for international students new to the campus. Dates for the program are indicated in the acceptance letter and noted on Form I-20 or Form DS-2019, "Date of Arrival." The program is designed to facilitate a smooth adjustment to campus. Students whose native language is not English will be tested for English language proficiency upon arrival. On the basis of these test scores, appropriate courses in English may be required.

International students must maintain proof of adequate health insurance coverage with the University Student Insurance Program for the duration of their stay in the United States. Students will not be permitted to register without proof of health insurance coverage. International students who plan to drive an automobile in the State of Texas must have liability insurance. Special application forms and details on the procedure to follow in making application for admission to Lamar Institute of Technology may be secured by writing to:

Office of International Admissions
P. O. Box 10078
Beaumont, TX 77710

For more information on admission procedures for college degree and certificate programs please refer to Policy 8.32  "Student Admissions Process".

Selective Admission Programs

Admission to LIT does not guarantee admission to specific courses or programs of study. LIT reserves the right to refuse admission or readmission to any applicant who does not satisfy the admission criteria. LIT selective programs may require prerequisites, co-requisites, program specific applications, screenings, mandated orientations, etc.

Selective admission programs include Dental Hygiene, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Care, Regional Fire Academy, and the Regional Police Academy.

Please Policy 8.32  "Student Admissions Process" for general LIT admission information and Policy 8.34  "Admission to Selective Programs" for more information and requirements for admission to selective admission programs.


Students previously enrolled at Lamar Institute of Technology (who have not been registered at LIT for two long semesters or more) must apply for admission on www.GoApplyTexas.org to be re-admitted. Re-admission may require a student to complete new statewide testing requirements. Students with unsettled financial debts or with incomplete records will not be allowed to register until such problems are resolved. Students on disciplinary probation or suspension and/or academic suspension are not eligible to return until the terms of their suspension are complete. After readmission, probated or suspended students must meet with the Associate Vice President of Student Services before registering for classes.

For more information on admission procedures for college degree and certificate programs please refer to Policy 8.32   "Student Admissions Process".

Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Assessment

On August 22, 2013, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board implemented new Texas Success Initiative (TSI) rules. The TSI Assessment Exam is a comprehensive computerized adaptive testing system that helps place students into appropriate college credit courses or developmental courses. Placement and diagnostic exams are offered in mathematics, english language arts, and reading. Scores are available to students upon completion of the exam.

Students are required to take the TSI Assessment Exam to determine their college readiness before enrolling in a college credit bearing course. Individuals should consult the website at www.LIT.edu for the most current information on TSI Assessment, testing, placement and exemptions. 

Before testing, students are required to complete the TSI Pre-Assessment Activity, found on the LIT website.

A degree seeking student who has not passed all portions of the TSI Assessment must enroll and regularly attend at least one developmental class each semester until they satisfy the TSI requirements.

To register for the TSI Assessment Exam, students must pay a testing fee at the Cashier's Office then schedule an appointment to complete the TSI Assessment Exam in the Testing Center. Students may schedule a testing appointment for a specific day and time or may take the test immediately depending upon the availability of computers in the Testing Center. For information about the hours of operation, contact the Testing Center or view the LIT Web site. All days and times are subject to change. For more information concerning the TSI Assessment Exam, please contact the Testing Center staff at:

(409) 247-4978 or testingcenter@lit.edu.


The following criteria are TSI exemptions:

A graduate with an associate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.

A student who transfers from a private or independent institution of higher education or an accredited out-of-state institution of higher education and who has satisfactorily completed college level course work of at least six equivalent credit hours (three algebra, three designated writing/reading courses) with a grade of "C" or better. The following courses are approved college level courses that satisfy TSI exemptions:


ENGL 1301 - Composition I ; or

ENGL 1302 - Composition II  


HIST 1301 - United States History I , HIST 1302 - United States History II ;

ENGL 1301 - Composition I ;

ENGL 2321 - British Literature , ENGL 2333 - British Literature, ENGL 2323 - British Literature;

ENGL 2331- World Literature, ENGL 2332 - World Literature, ENGL 2333 - World Literature;

ENGL 2326 - American Literature , ENGL 2327 - American Literature, ENGL 2328 - American Literature;

PSYC 2301 - General Psychology ; or

GOVT 2301 - American Government, GOVT 2302 - American Government, GOVT 2305 - Federal Government , GOVT 2306 - Texas Government  


MATH 1332 - Contemporary Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning) ;

MATH 1333 - Contemporary Mathematics II;

MATH 1314 - College Algebra ;

MATH 1316 - Plane Trigonometry; or at the discretion of the institution, a grade of "C" or better in a more advanced mathematics course for which any of the above are prerequisites.

Partial exemption: At least three college-credit hours of College Algebra exempts students from the developmental math requirement, at least three college-credit hours of approved designated reading/writing classes exempts students from developmental reading AND developmental writing.

A student who transfers from any public Texas institution of higher education with completed requirements for Texas Success Initiative (TSI). Transcripts must be evaluated by the transcript evaluator.

A student who is serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States, the Texas National Guard, or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and has been serving for at least three years preceding enrollment. Documentation is required.

A student who, on or after August 1, 1990, was honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States or the Texas National Guard, or service as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States.

Students not seeking a degree.

ACT administered prior to February 15, 2023: composite score of 23 with a minimum of 19 on both the English and Math tests. ACT administered on or after February 15, 2023: a combined score of 40 on the English and Reading (E+R) and a score of 22 on the Math. There is no composite score required. The use of scores from both ACT administered prior and after February 15, 2023, are allowable, as long as the benchmarks set forth are met. Scores are valid for five years.

SAT after March 5, 2016: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW)-480 and Math 530. Scores are valid for five years.

GED: A 165 in Math reasoning and/or 165 in Reasoning Through The Language Arts.  Scores are valid for five years.

HiSET: Minimum score of 15 on the Mathematics subtest. A minimum score of 15 on the Reading subtest and a minimum score of 15 on the Writing subtest, including a minimum score of 4 on the essay. Scores are valid for five years.

Rules related to the Texas Education Code (TEC), Section 28.014, College Preparatory Course (CPC), Rule 4.54 Exemptions, Exceptions, and Waivers: A student who successfully completes a college preparatory course under Texas Education Code 28.014 is exempt for a period of 12 months from the date of high school graduation with respect to the content area of the course. The student must enroll in the student's first college-level course in the exempted content area in the student's first year of enrollment in an institution of higher education (We highly recommend the first semester). This exemption applies only at the institution of higher education that partners with the school district in which the student is enrolled to provide the course. Additionally, an institution of higher education may enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with a partnering institution of higher education to accept the exemption for the college preparatory course.

For a period of five (5) years from the date of testing, a student who is tested and performs at or above the following standards that cannot be raised by institutions:

  1. STAAR end-of-course (EOC) with a minimum score of 4000 on Level 2 on the English III shall be exempt from the TSI Assessment required under this title for both reading and writing, and a minimum score of 4000 on Level 2 on the Algebra II EOC shall be exempt from the TSI Assessment required under this title for the mathematics section.

Developmental Education Guidelines

The Developmental Education Guidelines below are effective for students starting Fall 2020. Students who complete the required developmental education courses will be TSI complete.


MATH 1332 - Contemporary Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning)    
Assessment Score Enroll in:
TSI 350 or higher

MATH 1332  

(TSI Complete-Math)


950 or higher


< 950 with 6 or higher in diagnostic




335 with ABE of 5 or 6

MATH 1332   & TMTH 0232  


TMTH 0374  & TMTH 0174  

TSIA2 936-949 with diagnostic < 6
TSI 335 or below & ABE <5 TMTH 0374  & TMTH 0174  
TSIA2 935 or below


MATH 1314 - College Algebra  
Assessment Score Enroll in:
TSI 350 or higher

MATH 1314  

(TSI Complete-Math)


950 or higher


< 950 with 6 or higher in diagnostic




335 with ABE of 5-6

MATH 1314  & TMTH 0214  


TMTH 0375   & TMTH 0165  

TSIA2 936-949 with diagnostic < 6
TSI 335 or below & ABE <5

TMTH 0375   & TMTH 0165  

TSIA2 935 or below


Reading and Writing

ENGL 1301 - Composition I  
Assessment Score Enroll in:

Reading 351-390 & Writing >340 with 4 or higher on essay


Reading 351-390 & Writing <340 with 5 or higher on essay

ENGL 1301  

(TSI Complete Reading and Writing)



CRC 945-990 & Essay of 5-8


CRC 910-944 & diagnostic 5-6 & essay 5-8

TSI Reading 340-350 & Writing 339 or less & ABE >5 & <4 on essay

ENGL 1301   & INRW 0301  


INRW 0373   & INRW 0173  

TSIA2 CRC >910 & diagnostic 4-6 & 4-8 on essay

Reading 339 or less


Writing 339 or less & ABE <4 & 4 or lower on essay

INRW 0373   & INRW 0173  

TSIA2 CRC 910-944 & diagnostic 1-3 & no essay

Students with an ABE Score of 1 or 2 in all three TSI areas must be referred to Region 5 for Adult Basic Education Services (409-951-1700) *. *Students may retest anytime to be TSI complete.*

Transfer Students

Transfer students are considered for admission on the basis of their previous university and college records. Applicants must submit an Application for Admission at www.ApplyTexas.org and submit official transcripts from all universities and colleges attended. Students transferring with less than 18 hours of college credit must also submit an official high school transcript. Students transferring to LIT must be "in good standing" at previous educational institutions attended. Students on academic suspension/probation from another institution must petition the Provost/Vice President for Instruction for acceptance. Likewise, students who wish to transfer from institutions where they are on disciplinary probation and/or suspension may enter LIT only with the approval of the Associate Vice President of Student Services.

For more information on admission procedures for college degree and certificate programs please refer to Policy 8.32   "Student Admissions Process". Policy 2.47   "Transfer Policy" provides additional transfer student guidance.

Transfer Students and the Texas Success Initiative (TSI)

Transfer students are subject to the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements. Students transferring to LIT from another Texas public institution must meet TSI requirements to enroll. Transfer students from outside Texas or from a private Texas college or university who have made a "C" or better in approved courses for all three skill areas are exempt from TSI. Contact a Student Services Advisor at (409) 880-8321 for additional information.

Transferring Coursework

Official transcripts from all colleges or universities must be submitted for evaluation of transfer coursework. Additional documents that demonstrate completion of learning from formal courses sponsored by associations, business, government, industry, and unions will be evaluated to determine transfer of credit. In some instances, students may be asked to supply additional information to assist in the evaluation of transfer coursework. Failure to provide transcripts from all colleges or universities attended and/or other documentation of formal courses may result in denial of the awarding of credit.

Students will be notified of acceptance of transfer work. The period of evaluation may be completed prior to enrollment but may occur at the end of the first academic term in which the student is enrolled.

Acceptance of transfer course work by Lamar Institute of Technology does not guarantee credit for specific courses within particular programs of study or admission to all programs.

Students are encouraged to inform their advisors of any transfer courses at the time of the initial advisement.

Transfer Guidelines

Lamar Institute of Technology accepts transfer coursework from regionally accredited colleges and universities, non-regionally accredited colleges and universities, military educational training facilities, foreign educational institutions, and limited non-collegiate training facilities.

  1. Regionally accredited colleges and universities. Students must submit all official transcripts from all colleges attended.
  2. Non-regionally accredited colleges and universities. Students must submit all official transcripts from all colleges attended. Official transcripts must be submitted. Additional documentation may be required prior to acceptance of credit. Coursework will be evaluated in terms of level, content, quality, comparability, and degree program relevance.
  3. Military educational training programs. Evaluation of military credit is based upon the evaluation recommendations outlined in the American Council on Education (ACE) Guide to Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services manual. Students must submit either a Form DD214 or Form DD256, and a Military Transcript Summary.
  4. Foreign educational institutions. Students wishing to transfer college level work to Lamar Institute of Technology from foreign educational institutions must have their official transcripts evaluated by an evaluation service approved by Lamar Institute of Technology. Credit for courses taken at foreign institutions will be awarded according to the policies outlined for transfer students.
  5. Non-collegiate training facilities. Credit may be awarded for successful completion of learning acquired from participation in formal courses sponsored by associations, business, government, industry, and unions to the extent that the material is applicable and official certification and /or documentation of skills or competencies achieved is provided. Transfer credit for work accomplished in a non-collegiate setting may also be granted upon individual review only for the programs listed and under the provisions expressed in the LIT Catalog and Student Handbook. Many of the recommendations in the American Council on Education (ACE) publication the 'National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs' and 'Transfer Credit Practices of Designated Educational Institutions" are used to determine the award of credit.

The following guidelines may determine the extent of transfer courses, the impact of transfer coursework on grade point average, status at graduation (honors), and transcript grades.

  1. Grades of C or better will be accepted as transfer credit for program specific course(s) within a degree plan.
  2. Grades of D or better will be accepted as transfer credit for general education courses (not program specific.) Consult the applicable program information in the LIT catalog for specific requirements.
  3. Courses transferred and applied to a degree plan will be used in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average.
  4. Grades of F will not transfer to LIT.
  5. Courses transferred and applied to a degree plan will be used to determine 'honors' upon graduation.
  6. At least 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree must be earned through instruction offered by Lamar Institute of Technology.

Transfer Dispute

The following procedures shall be followed in the resolution of credit transfer disputes involving lower-division courses:

  1. If Lamar Institute of Technology does not accept course credit earned by a student at another institution of higher education, LIT shall give written notice to the student and to the sending institution that transfer of the course credit is denied. LIT shall provide written notice of the reasons for denying credit for a particular course or set of courses at the request of the sending institution.
  2. A student who receives notices as specified in item (1) of this section may dispute the denial of credit by contacting a designated official at either the sending or the receiving institution.
  3. The two institutions and the student shall attempt to resolve the transfer of the course credit in accordance with The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board rules and guidelines.
  4. If the transfer dispute is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student or the sending institution within 45 days after the date the student received written notice of denial, the institution that denies the course credit for transfer shall notify the Commissioner of Higher Education of the student's education and its denial and the reasons for the denial.

Veterans as Students

Lamar Institute of Technology holds a contract for educating veterans under the Vocational Rehabilitation Law, known as Public Law Number 16, and is an approved institution of higher education for veterans under Public Law Number 346 and Public Law Number 550. Lamar Institute of Technology assists eligible U.S. military and veteran students who are using their VA benefits to further their education.

Lamar Institute of Technology honors and supports our veterans. The Academic Advising Department provides support and college information for our veteran student population. Veterans are encouraged to complete all admissions requirements at least 90 days prior to the semester they wish to enroll. All veteran educational benefits are processed with the Financial Aid Office but our advisors can assist those eligible to navigate the process.

Veterans that apply to LIT who were honorably discharged are not required to complete an Assessment test before enrolling in classes. However, they are strongly encouraged to take the TSI Assessment to help determine the most successful course of action for their education.

The Academic Advising Department is located in the Eagles' Nest at LIT. For questions contact 409-951-5708 or e-mail va@lit.edu

Academic Record Appeals

Students that completed previous coursework at LIT and have a lapse in attendance may appeal to disregard previous coursework. They may appeal to 1) disregard two successive semesters of coursework and 2) academic credits or grades that were earned ten or more years prior to the semester in which enrollment is sought.

Previous Coursework

After an enrollment lapse of four (4) or more years from Lamar Institute of Technology, individuals may apply for an Academic Appeal. An Academic Appeal allows an individual to disregard a maximum of two entire successive semesters of courses previously completed at LIT. A student must have successfully completed twenty-four (24) or more semester credit hours of coursework with a minimum 2.2 grade point average at LIT. A student may then petition to disregard a maximum of two entire successive semesters of courses previously completed at the Institute. The petition shall be filed with the department chair, whose recommendation will be forwarded to the Associate Vice President of Student Services for a final decision. After being approved, disregarded work shall not count in determining the student's grade point average for academic progress or for graduation.

Academic Fresh Start

Applicants that seek admission to LIT and have academic credits or grades that were earned ten or more years prior to the semester in which enrollment is sought, may elect to enter under the terms of Academic Fresh Start Policy, Texas Education Code §51.931. The Academic Fresh Start Policy allows an applicant that is a Texas resident to petition LIT to not consider, in the admission process and graduation requirements, course credits or grades earned ten or more years prior to admission. Applicants that want to seek entry under this section will not receive credit for courses taken ten or more years prior to enrollment. An applicant who decides to apply under this statute may not receive any course credit for courses taken at any college or university ten (10) or more years prior to enrollment.

Applicants applying under Academic Fresh Start are subject to standard admission and TSI criteria.

Applicants must deliver a written request to the Associate Dean of Student Services/Registrar.

Academic Fresh Start granted by LIT only applies while enrolled at LIT.