2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Associate Vice President of Student Services, Tasha Morales
Office: Eagles' Nest for Student Success
Address: 855 E. Lavaca St., Beaumont, TX 77710
Phone: (409) 247-5380
E-mail: studentserv@lit.edu


The Student Services Division provides services and programs to enhance the general education and development of students, enrich the quality of student life, and support the teaching and service mission of Lamar Institute of Technology. The division is located in the Eagles' Nest for Student Success.

Student Services administers policies and procedures related to student life and to the rights and responsibilities that accompany student citizenship. It is the student's responsibility to be knowledgeable of established LIT policies and procedures and to comply with them.

Drug Free Schools and Communities Act

Lamar Institute of Technology (LIT) is committed to providing a healthy and safe learning environment for all students and employees. LIT has established procedures to advise members of the campus community on the consequences of drug/alcohol use, possession, and distribution. Additionally, LIT is committed to providing important information on available substance abuse counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, or re-entry programs.

Drug Policy

Lamar Institute of Technology is committed to a healthy, safe, and drug-free community. Students found guilty of possession, use, or distribution of any drug, narcotic, or controlled substance, whether the infraction is found to have occurred on or off-campus may be suspended for a minimum of the remainder of the semester in which the infraction occurred plus the following long semester.

eLITe Mentoring Program

Students must meet the challenges of college and take advantage of its resources. This program will serve to connect students with LIT by providing them with a role model and someone to consult about campus decisions. The eLITe Mentoring Program will help promote students' self-confidence by humanizing the campus and guiding them through college life, thereby making the first year less challenging. For more information or to obtain an application for the Mentor Program, call (409) 247-5254.

Intellectual Property

Lamar Institute of Technology (LIT) has an Intellectual Property Policy to safeguard the interests and mission of LIT while encouraging creative thinking and activity by employees and students. The term "intellectual property" refers to inventions, discoveries, patents, patent applications, scientific or technological developments, and copyrightable instructional materials, regardless of the mode of publication. Under Lamar Institute of Technology and Texas State University System policies, copyrightable materials created by students in fulfillment of academic or course requirements are considered the property of the student. Lamar Institute of Technology retains a license (permission) to mark, modify, handle, and retain the work as required for instructional or record-keeping purposes. Lamar Institute of Technology cannot use the work in other ways without the consent of the student. When the student collaborates with faculty or staff to create works as part of research or development activities Lamar Institute of Technology retains the rights to such intellectual property. See Texas State University System Rules and Regulations Chapter III, paragraphs 11 and 12 and Policy 4.34 in the Lamar Institute of Technology Policy and Procedure Manual for more information.

Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

Lamar Institute of Technology offers support services to students who are classified as Limited English Proficient (LEP). The Special Populations Coordinator acts as a liaison between students, faculty, administration, and outside agencies. For more information, contact the Special Populations Coordinator in the Eagles' Nest for Student Success or call (409) 951-5708.


Each student must select a major that reflects the program of study they plan to complete. Students may obtain a Change of Major Form from department offices or the Student Services Office. Change of majors must be requested and approved in writing on the Change of Major Form.

Students who want to change their major from a Texas Success Initiative (TSI) waived certificate program to an Associate Degree program must visit Student Services to have their TSI status changed.


Student Orientation Sessions are planned every term to assist students in building a solid foundation for success at LIT. Orientation Sessions present valuable information to students. Information includes registration procedures, resources, and available services. LIT also provides an online orientation for those students who are unable to attend in person. Visit lit.edu/student-success/online-orientation for more information.

Personal Information

Personal information, such as an address and telephone number, is used to communicate with students. Students are responsible for notifying Lamar Institute of Technology of any change of name, address, and/or telephone number. Changes must be updated on Self-Service Banner by the student. Students may request that directory information not be shared. To prevent the sharing of directory information, students must complete a Release of Information Form and deliver it to the Records Office. The Release of Information Form may be obtained in the Student Services office.

Change of name due to marriage or correction of name because of spelling errors may be made by completing a name change card. All name changes must be accompanied by a copy of the legal document making the name change official. Former student names will be displayed on all official transcripts.

Tobacco-Free Campus

Lamar Institute of Technology recognizes its commitment to the physical well-being of its students, faculty, and staff. Tobacco use is prohibited at all times in all facilities, grounds, and vehicles.

Special Populations

LIT offers support services to students who are classified as a Special Populations student. Special Populations students include:

  • Individuals with disabilities
  • Individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including low-income youth and adults
  • Individuals preparing for nontraditional fields
  • Single parents, including single pregnant women
  • Out-of-workforce individuals
  • Homeless individuals
  • Youth who are in, or have aged out of, the foster care system
  • Youth with a parent who is a member of the armed forces and is on active duty
  • Individuals with limited English proficiency

LIT provides reasonable accommodations as defined in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504 and the American Disabilities Act of 1990, to students with a diagnosed disability.

Services provided include interpreter services, note takers, scribes, specialized testing arrangements, registration assistance, mobility/ accessibility accommodations, and procurement of assistive/adaptive equipment. Any student requiring a Sign Language Interpreter should notify the Special Populations Coordinator at least six weeks before the semester begins.

The Special Populations Coordinator acts as a liaison between students, faculty, administration, and outside agencies. Students that require an accommodation due to a physical and/or learning disability must request an accommodation in the Special Populations Office at least four weeks before classes begin for the semester. Appropriate documentation of a disability must be submitted before accommodations may be arranged. For assistance or information, contact the Special Populations Coordinator in the Eagles' Nest for Student Success or call (409) 951-5708.

Student Identification Card (ID)

Students registered for classes at Lamar Institute of Technology must purchase a Student Identification Card (ID). The Student Identification Card must be carried by the student when on the LIT campus. The ID is required to allow LIT students to use LIT student services and campus facilities. LIT faculty and staff have the authority to ask a student to produce a valid Student Identification Card. If a student is unable to produce a current Student Identification Card, they may be required to leave the campus.

Student Identification Cards can be obtained in the Eagles' Nest for Student Success. Lost Student Identification Cards can be replaced for an additional $5.

Student Organizations

Student Government Association (SGA)

The Student Government Association serves as the representative voice of students. All LIT students are members of the Student Government Association (SGA), which affords each student an opportunity to promote, support, and participate in a well-rounded student life program.

The president, vice president, and secretary/treasurer are elected in a general student election. Student opinions may be expressed at meetings of the Association during open forums, or ideas, suggestions, and/or concerns may be submitted through the SGA office. The SGA encourages responsible student participation in the overall policy and decision-making processes of LIT, investigates student problems and takes appropriate action, and provides the official voice through which student opinion may be expressed.

The Student Government Association will help students connect with the variety of student organizations on campus. Students are encouraged to attend meetings or stop by the SGA office to learn how to become involved. Membership of SGA consists of representatives of each of the departmental organizations, as well as, members at large.

Student Organizations

  1. Student Chapter of the American Dental Hygiene Association (SADHA)
  2. American Welding Society (AWS)
  3. LIT Biology Association (LITBA)
  4. Child Care Association
  5. Computer Resource Association
  6. Design Engineering Technologist Organization (DETO - Drafting Club)
  7. Diagnostic Sonography Student Organization (DSSO)
  8. Health Information Technology
  9. HVACR (Heating, Ventilation, Air Condition Repair)
  10. Lamar Instrumentation Association (LIA)
  11. LIT Hot Shots (Students of Utility Line)
  12. Operating Process Technology Club (OPT)
  13. Phi Theta Kappa (PTK - National Honor Society)
  14. Pulmonary Care Student Organization
  15. Radiologic Technology Student Organization (RTSO)
  16. Respiratory Care Student Organization
  17. SkillsUSA (Leadership & Technical Skills Competition Group)
  18. Students of EMS Club (SEMS Club)
  19. Student Government Associate (SGA)

For more information about any of these organizations, visit the Student Government Association office located in the Eagles' Nest for Student Success.


SkillsUSA is an international organization that serves students who are enrolled in training programs in technical, skilled, and service occupations.

SkillsUSA prepares America's high-performance workers by providing quality educational experiences for students in leadership, teamwork, citizenship, and character development. Participation in SkillsUSA builds and reinforces self-confidence, work attitudes and communication skills while emphasizing total quality at work, high ethical standards, superior work skills, life-long education and pride in the dignity of work. SkillsUSA programs include local, state, national, and international competitions in which students demonstrate occupational and leadership skills.

Information Technology

Information Technology provides services to students who attend Lamar Institute of Technology. The services include student e-mail, internet connectivity from all the computer labs on campus, access to our learning management system, access to Self Service Banner, distance education support, registration, and additional services as needed.

Use of Information Technology Resources

Lamar Institute of Technology (LIT) provides information technology resources intended to support the academic mission and the administrative functions of the Institute. Staff, Faculty, Student, and Vendor users of LIT information technology resources and computing facilities have no reasonable expectation of privacy and LIT reserves the right to access, at any time, computers and computing facilities, including any and all data and collective information contained therein.

Policies regarding the use of information technology resources by staff, faculty, students, and vendors are published in the LIT Policies and Procedures Manual found on the LIT website at www.lit.edu. Policy 2.11 governs the use of information technology resources that include any computer, computer-based network or system, computer peripheral, operating system, software or any combination thereof, owned by Lamar Institute of Technology or under the custody or control of Lamar Institute of Technology.

Maintaining, monitoring, and enforcing of the LIT information technology policies will reside with the LIT administrative body or State and Federal entity, with the support of the appropriate system administrative staff.

Any violation of information technology policies may result in disciplinary action in accordance with Institute policies or prosecution in accordance with State and Federal laws. Consequences for violation of information technology policies may include, but are not limited to, disciplinary actions, loss of privileges, termination of employment, or dismissal from the Institute. Any user found in violation of LIT information technology policies may be subject to prosecution in accordance with State and Federal laws.

By obtaining a User ID and password and logging onto any LIT centrally administered system, it is implied that the user will adhere to the LIT information technology resource policies as published in the LIT Policies and Procedures Manual.

Veterans' Affairs

Lamar Institute of Technology is a Service member Opportunity College (SOC). The Veterans' Affairs Office of LIT is located in the Eagles' Nest for Student Success, Room 129, and is prepared to assist veterans in obtaining their educational benefits. Veterans are encouraged to complete admissions and testing requirements 90 to 120 days prior to the semester for which they wish to enroll. Additional information may be obtained by visiting the office or calling (409) 951-5708 or e-mailing va@lit.edu


Wi-Fi hotspots are available on campus for LIT students. Hotspot locations include Megabytes, the patio located in front of the Multipurpose Building, and the Eagles' Nest parking lot.