2024 - 2025 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Sep 07, 2024  
2024 - 2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Online Learning

Director: Angela Clark
Office: Technology Center, Room 112D
Office: 855 E. Lavaca St., Beaumont, Texas 77710
Phone: (409) 981-6817
FAX: (409) 839-2919
E-mail: onlinelearning@lit.edu 

Online Learning invites you to join us on the path to success from wherever you are!

At Lamar Institute of Technology (LIT), we are committed to making quality education accessible regardless of your location or schedule constraints by extending many of our course and program offerings online. Our online programs and courses provide a high-quality educational experience accesible from the comfort of your home or office, tailored to suit your schedule.

Admissions, curriculum, and graduation criteria mirror those of our on-campus counterparts, ensuring equal standards across the board. High-speed internet access, basic computer proficiency, and the drive to succeed are primary ingredients necessary for successfully completing an online course.

Certain online programs may require a visit to an accredited testing center or participation in a work practicum within your local area. Please consult the program information for specific prerequitites and requirements.

Student fees may be associated with Distance Education courses. Please visit https://www.lit.edu/admissions/tuition-and-fees/fees for current fee schedules.

Students in an online course may be required to show proof of identification through 1) a secure login and pass code for all courses, 2) proctored examinations, and/or 3) other technology and practices identified for a specific course. A photo identification is required to be produced upon request.

The Office of Online Learning complies with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) in protecting the confidentiality of student records. The privacy of students enrolled in online courses is protected by following LIT campus wide processes and procedures to ensure protection of security, confidentiality, and integrity of its student records. For additional information refer to the LIT Policies and Procedures Manual.

Individual courses may be offered face-to-face (on ground), as a hybrid, or as an online course. The difference between these modalities is described below.

Face-to-face: 100% of the course is offered on campus.

Hybrid: Less than 50% of the course is offered on campus

Online: Course is offered fully online. A fully online course does not require a visit to the LIT campus, but it may require a visit to a certified testing center within the student's geographical area. 

For more information, send an e-mail to the Office of Online Learning at onlinelearning@lit.edu.


Student Complaints and Grievances

LIT students, whether online or on campus, have the right to lodge a complaint or grievance. LIT Online Learning, with assistance from LIT Student Success, ensures that all concerns and complaints of students are addressed fairly and are resolved promptly. Students should email studentserv@lit.edu for assistance with complaints or grievances.

If LIT does not resolve the problem to the student's satisfaction, and you'd like to raise the complaint about your distance education class to the next level, the following resources will guide you through the process:


Online Programs

Lamar Institute of Technology offers the following programs online:

Associate Programs

Certificate Programs